Psychic Healing: Repatterning

by Dale Power

When it comes to psychic healing, human beings are dynamos. In many ways, when tested in a lab, it is the strongest natural psychic gift ever tested. It is such a strong gift that untrained people, those with little to no instruction, can help people heal around 10% faster than normal by just vaguely trying. This is an amazing gift, comparable to many medications and surgeries in over-all effectiveness.

As with most things, training and practice can help to improve a persons skill level. The practice I would like to go over here is a process known as repatterning.

Repatterning is a simple enough idea to use, once you get the basic concept down, but one that has hundreds of thousands of uses.

Let me use an example from the world of healing to get things started. Here is a hypothetical situation. The person you are trying to heal has no known medical disorders, though they are so sick that they might not live. The medical system has given up on any attempt at treatment outside of low level pain control. Now that medicine has failed, you are called in to try and effect a cure, often the normal course of things. You begin by getting a feel for things and after attempting to sense what the problem is, you can determine that, while they are obviously ill, you have no name for the problem either! So do you give up? No, of course not.

What you do is find a healthy person and get a sense of their properly arranged bio-field, when you have a good idea of what a healthy person feels like, you change the pattern of the patient to match the healthy field.

Such restructuring can make a vast difference in the health of an ailing person. As often as not, this simple but powerful technique can give a person on the brink a chance to survive, even when all other options have failed.

Now, after you get a feel for what is healthy in a human being, you will be able to make such changes without examining another, healthier man or woman, before starting. While the strength and feeling of an individuals bio-field is as varied as their fingerprints, it is easy to tell what is properly patterned and is not.

Now lets walk through the steps, before applying them on handy passers by.

*As with all psychic techniques you will want to start in a relaxed and centered fashion. Take a few deep breaths and let all of the tension flow out of your body. Just relax and dont worry about starting until you feel perfectly ready.

*When you are ready, go into a deep conceptual state, if you wish, take a few moments to hold a self-propagating concept of relaxed focus and synchronistic brainwave activity. This just means that you generate the concept of the state you wish to enter and let it grow in strength until it takes off and continues on its own without constant reinforcement. For added depth of state, hold a concept that will continue to take you into a more focused and synchronous place.

*Properly in state, gain a sense of the information field of your patient. Just sense this field for a few minutes, let it tell you what is wrong, or right, with the person. Dont judge the information at this point. Just record what it is telling you.

*Now, pick a healthy person to compare this field to. Notice what things are different and what matches up.

*Focusing on the original bio-field again, hold, in conceptual form the idea that this field is changing to match the healthy parts of the other, well persons, field.

*As you are maintaining the concept of change, you must also continue to psychically sense the field you are working on. This feedback will allow you to make very exacting changes in any system in real time.

*Once the changes have taken place, and it should only take a few minutes, keep the new pattern steady and solid for around an hour.

It is possible that with this basic skill you could learn to influence any active, energetic, system.

By focusing your repatterning a bit more, you can often increase the speed of healing. The reason for this is simple. When you heal a person the energy for the corrections comes from the other person. If you focus your efforts their body will only go after the problem area with faster levels of repair.

Here are a few other things you might wish to try with your repatterning skills.

*Working with plants is a great and rewarding exercise for repatterning practice. Find a plant that is doing poorly and change its information to be more like that of another plant that is thriving. Plants are easily influenced and will respond very well to your efforts.

*If a friend, or yourself, gets a small scratch or bruise, take a few minutes to alter the damaged information back to an uninjured state. If you wish to practice this on yourself and no one else is around, compare the damaged area with an undamaged one on your own body. You should be able to more than double the speed of healing in this way. Even if you need a bit more time to practice, the very act of trying to fix the problem will help!

*If you are feeling low on energy, change your pattern to reflect a more energetic one. Copy a hyper friends feeling of energy, or use your memory of the last time you felt peppy and bring it back. The longer you hold it, the stronger it will be. As an additional perk, you can increase the feeling of energy by quite a bit compared to the state you are copying! I often use this as a solid pick me up in the afternoon.

True, no one is going to be perfect at repatterning over night. It takes time and effort to learn to do well and there are many other skills, as well as specific patterns that you have to learn, before declaring mastery of the subject. With time and discipline you can do it though and it is an ability that is useful enough to be well worth the daily practice.

Dale Power is a psychic healer, researcher and educator that has been focusing on ways to improve psychic functioning in humans for the last twenty years. Go to: to find out more about the work being done.

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