Essential Oils for Psychic Work

by Avalon De Witt

Essential oils are essences derived from various plants. They can be used to beautify your environment, raise your vibration and enhance your psychic experiences.

You can put them in your bath, rub them on candles, use them in a diffuser, or anoint yourself with them. The most traditional areas to anoint are the center of the forehead and the crown. But you can also benefit from anointing your psychic centers, your chakras, your wrists, throat, ankles and the back of your neck.

Here are some of the most "essential" essential oils and their psychic and spiritual properties:

Cinnamon: Purifying, healing, empowering, protective. Stimulates visions, strengthens focus, attracts wealth, love and harmony. Opens root chakra, aids in connecting with guides. Associated with the Element of Fire. Can be an irritant.

Frankincense: Uplifting, balancing, purifying, protective. Good for meditation and connecting with guides. Promotes enlightenment, multidimensional awareness, transcendence. Dispels negativity. Associated with the Element of Fire.

Jasmine: Balancing, inspiring, sensual. Attracts love, romance and sex. Stimulates psychic dreams, astral projection, creativity and visions. Encourages compassion and transcendence. Aids meditation. Associated with the Element of Water.

Lavender: Integrating, balancing, healing, protective, purifying. Aids meditation, stimulates dream recall and clairvoyance. Opens third-eye chakra. Associated with the element of Air. Can be toxic in large doses.

Mugwort: Psychic stimulant. Opens root chakra. Promotes visions, prophetic dreams, astral projection. Can be an irritant.

Myrrh: Grounding, healing, protective, purifying. Clears blocks. Encourages enlightenment, transcendence. Good for meditation and blessings. Can be an irritant.

Patchouli: Grounding. Attracts money, love and sex. Dispels negativity, stimulates spiritual growth. Great for divination and self-hypnosis.

Rose: Cleansing, healing, balancing, protective. Opens heart chakra, attracts love. Stimulates creativity, assists in letting go. Use for divination and blessings.

Rosemary: Protective, cleansing, psychic stimulant. Opens heart chakra and third-eye chakra. Promotes visions, creativity and past life-recall. Dispels negativity. Can be an irritant.

Sandalwood: Purifying, protective, healing. Opens sacral chakra. Good for meditation, astral projection, manifesting, blessings, house cleansings and releasing the past. Dispels negativity.

Use precaution with essential oils. Read labels and heed any warnings. Be sure oils are properly diluted before using them on your skin and keep away from eyes. Never ingest essential oils. Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children. If you are pregnant, please check with your doctor before using essential oils. Some essential oils can adversely affect certain medical conditions, such as asthma, epilepsy. If you need medical attention, please contact a health care professional.

Article by Avalon De Witt. Visit for more original content like this.

Avalon De Witt is an authentic psychic by birth and a survivor of a near-death experience. Her gifts include clairvoyance, clairaudience, empathic ability, dream interpretation and healing. She has studied the Tarot and other forms of divination for over 23 years. Avalon has practiced as a professional psychic and spiritual counselor for over 12 years. She has worked successfully with thousands of clients world-wide.

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