Corporate Execs and Entrepreneurs are Turning to Astrology and Psychic Readings

by L. Barrett Powell

With the exposure of corporate greed, layoffs and unemployment, disappearance of pensions, and widening of the gap between the rich and the poor, stress has increased greatly among corporate executives, academics and other professionals. To cope, they are turning to spiritual sources, but not what you would think. These days it is not uncommon for an executive vice president to close his door, pick up the telephone, and consult his personal astrologer or spiritual intuitive - known by many as a psychic or clairvoyant.

For nearly four years I have been operating Healing Universe, which runs and advice site called the Inpsired Living Advice Network. This type of counsel is becoming increasingly commonplace.

It is not a spiritual trend or fad that will fade away. In fact it will increase greatly over the next decade.

I may spend several hours a day working with men and women around the globe who seek advice about situations at work or in their family so they can make decisions.

Every day I speak with professionals who are university professors, radio executives, well-known winery owners, investment portfolio fund managers, entrepreneurs, presidents and vice presidents, music industry execs, homemakers, and parents from around the world.

Those global clients come from places such as Australia, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Canada and the USA.

Clients typically keep their conversations under wraps, not telling their office staff or colleagues. But they consult her on a regular basis many times weekly or bi-weekly, to help them gain clarity in a decision-making process or to develop resources to make progress on a project.

Sometimes they call about a personal issue involving a mate, spouse or child. Parenting is a big issue with many of the clients who come through the Inspired Living Advice Network.

These people are repeat clients because of the accuracy they receive from me and the other intuitives and astrologers at Healing Universe.

Confidentiality is very important to clients but not just because others might think them crazy for consulting an astrologer. Rather it is spiritual privacy and professional competition that fuel the confidentiality.

Sometimes I laugh about it with a client, but they tend to be deadly serious about not wanting to give away the secret of their professional edge. Their performance is improved and they are getting bonuses and making great decisions and they want to keep their inside track.

It is also stressed at Healing Universe that the client's belief in God, in the spiritual, in what cannot be seen with the naked eye, is a precious and private thing. A person with faith, who understands vision, can be a powerful force in the business and academic world.

We launched Healing Universe's Inspired Living Advice Network launched September 3 and feature experienced intuitives who go by the names of - Oakeru, Shelley, Eve, Nan, Samantha, Jan, Susan, Rachael. They charge a uniform $2.99/minute and offer astrology consultations, psychic and Tarot readings and Runes readings.

Plans are already underway to design a separate website to offer only coaching services.

Copyright L. Barrett Powell

Powell is founder of Healing Universe, a metaphysical international website designed focusing on spirituality, intuition, astrology, Tarot and business/life coaching. She is an ordained minister, astrologer, journalist/writer and counselor. You find Healing Universe at

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